Let's Now Take A Look At How That Kara Tech Demo Was Made

As for the purpose of this posting, well if you look below we get to see all the work that went into just making that tech demo as well as what we can assume will be part of the process of their next title. Everything from the rendering of the actual actress as the android being built as well as to how they mapped the facial movements so perfectly. It is pretty cool to see how this whole thing was made as well as a little into part of the production process for games in general.

I do have to say that this seems like a bit on the expensive side for just a "tech demo." What I am getting at here is that it seems a little odd to go to such lengths to just do a tech demo and not a game demo. This is my speculation, but it does have a feel to being more than just a tech demo. At least in the future. I can't imagine that a development studio would really go to these lengths just to show what they may be able to do. Especially after having a hit like Heavy Rain. Then again that is my brain speculating on how I would go about things.

We'll see in the future if this actually goes from tech demo into actual title using some part of the world created here. If anything I can't wait to see the tech in future games in general. Let's get to that point where holograms are the only true next step in immersion.