We Can Bond Through Nostalgia Again

Well, wait no more. Here you go with a few new screen shots and a game play trailer. Watch and take it in. I'll wait.

Golden Eye - Wii Golden Eye - Wii Golden Eye - Wii Golden Eye - Wii Golden Eye - Wii
Golden Eye - Wii Golden Eye - Wii Golden Eye - Wii Golden Eye - Wii

Now what did we learn here? Excessive fanboyism and pleading for a game to be brought back to your consoles is also going to have you flying back in time to the N64, but at the fun prices for the Wii. Oh, and the control scheme for the Wii Mote. That and the new character model based of the current films are the only updates you are going to find for shelling out for a full priced game

I hope all you out there begging for a re-release of GoldenEye are proud of yourselves. Nintendo is going to cash in on your want by placing the same damn game back out on the market. At least you fan boys/girls won't have to shell out for N64 controllers to play it the right way again. If you do, what kind of fan boy/girl are you? Really?