You Naughty Little Angels Deserve A Good Spanking Bayonetta is shaping up to be a really really good game, and if you go by what Famitsu says, it's the best game they've ever played. The game was met with strong sales in Japan this past week and is poised for a US release this upcoming January. If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting E3, PAX, ComicCon, or VGExpo, then you may be in for a treat. Sega has come up with a contest in which a select few will win early access to the demo for the XBOX 360.   

Here's how to get it: 
Visit this site and follow the instructions:   

It's just that easy! You must be asking, Ben, there must be a catch, really, what's the catch? Well of course there's a catch. You must sign up for the Sega Pass, which is basically their newsletter. Other than Bayonetta, Sega's not really coming out with anything groundbreaking, and it'll be interesting to see how Bayonetta plays out in the US.  

Will it be a hit like Devil May Cry, or will it be a good game that flies under the radar like Yakuza and Okami? Who wouldn't want to play as a witch whose hair can turn into a deadly weapon at will? Who wouldn't want to play a game in which you can quad wield (hold four guns at once)? Who wouldn't want to play a game in which you can fight as somebody who looks strikingly similar to Angela Aki? Nobody, that's who.   

Make sure you catch my OpEd on Digital Distribution tomorrow as a Sunday Special!