I See Those Wild Things Now

Maybe it is just me or is anyone else excited to see this film, Where The Wild Things Are. The only thing I'm not to keen on is the fact that they are making a game to cash in on my old memories. Cash in on all the new fans and kids that have never even heard of the story before. But what is new right? You have a movie that will drive people to see it, why not pump out a game? It has become almost standard nowadays.

What is a slight gleam of hope is the fact that it is looking to be visually an ok game. The below screen shots of the XBox version of the game should show you a bit more. I just hope that this isn't going to be the best part. It still needs some work, in my opinion. At least more work then there is time for since it is suppose to still launch side by side with the film. But hey, they didn't even announce the game up until a month or so ago. Look what they have got so far.

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